
§1. General provisions

  1. The present Regulations determine the rules of participating in the X International Scientific Conference Environmental Engineering Through a Young Eye Innovations – Sustainability – Modernity – Openness (ISMO’22), here in after referred to as “the Conference”.
  2. The Conference shall be held on May 2022.
  3. The role of the Conference Organizer will be performed by the Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences of Bialystok University of Technology, here in after referred to as “Organizing Committee”.
  4. The registered Person in the Conference System, here in after will be referred to as “the Participant”.
  5. The dates of all events related to the Conference will be given in the Schedule, available for the Participants on the Conference website and on the Conference social media fanpage. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic conditions the data included in the Schedule can be freely modified by the Organizer.
  6. The Organizer undertakes to issue Announcements I and II containing basic and unchanged information about the Conference.
  7. The Participant undertakes to follow the possible changes in the Schedule.
  8. The conference language is English.


§2. Participation in the conference

  1. Participation in the Conference is voluntary.
  2. Only active participants are guaranteed of publication in conference materials, including abstracts in the Proceedings MDPI and scientific articles.
  3. Only registered Participants in the Conference System can participate in the Conference.
  4. The Participants who did not fill in the Participant’s data in the Conference System will be removed from the database within 10 days from the date of the request to complete the missing data. The participant can fulfill the missing data by contacting to the Organizing Committee.
  5. The Participant registering in the conference system declares the way of participation (oral presentation / poster). The final decision regarding the presentation method will be made by the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee.
  6. The Organizing Committee provides for the organization of a poster session, preceded by the so-called Running session, during which each participant can present their poster in the form of a short presentation (2-3 minutes depending on the number of scheduled posters).
  7. The final decision on the presentation method mentioned in the section §2 paragraph 5 belongs to the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee.


§3. Registration

  1. By registering in the Conference System, the Participant agrees to the collection, preservation and processing of personal data contained in the registration form, by the Organizing Committee for the purposes of arranging the Conference. Details on the type and use of personal data are available on the Privacy Policy bookmark at the conference website ( The administrator of personal data is the Bialystok University of Technology.
  2. The Organizing Committee provides the following possibilities of participation in the Conference:
    STUDENTS FEE (First- and second-degree students) – 150 PLN (50 €)
    STANDARD FEE (Other participants) – 350 PLN (100€)
  3. Detailed information on the participation type, the conference fee and the benefits are available on the Conference Fee bookmark at the conference website (
  4. An accompanying person cannot be a co-author of papers submitted to the Conference.
  5. During the registration process the Participant selects only one of available journals listed in the Registration Form.
  6. The Participant agrees to submit the manuscript describing the subject presented during the Conference, to the journal according with the paragraph 5 of this section.
  7. A registered Participant may cancel the application by writing to the Organizing Committee an e-mail, unless the conference fee has already been paid. If the fee has already been paid, read the Cancellation policy in the section §4.


§4. Conference fee

  1. The person willing to participate in the Conference is obliged to make a payment for participating in the Conference in accordance with the fee rates list in §3.
  2. The regular conference fee should be paid to the account provided at the Conference Fee bookmark at the conference website (, by April 10th, 2022.
  3. The already paid conference fee can be transferred to another person at any time without additional costs under the conditions of no change in the participation type.
  4. Paying one conference fee allows the Participant to submit only one proceedings. Another proceedings may be submitted after paying an additional fee.


§5. Invoice

  1. If the proforma invoice is required, an e-mail should be addressed to A proforma invoice will be issued with a 14-day payment period.
  2. An electronic version of the invoice will be sent to the Participants on the e-mail address indicated during the registration process.
  3. If the conference fee has been transferred, the invoice will be issued to the Person who was initially registered, not to the Participant.


§6. Abstracts

  1. To correctly submit the Proceedings MDPI, the appropriate fields in the Conference system should be filled.
  1. Abstracts of manuscripts qualified for presentation during the Conference will be available in the Proceedings MDPI.
  2. The personal data mentioned in the paragraph 1 of section §3 will be used as described in the paragraph 1 of section §7.
  3. All published Proceedings MDPI will be containing following information: the authors names, the authors affiliation, corresponding author name and e-mail as well as the acknowledgements.


§7. Post-conference publications

  1. As a part of the Conference, there will be a possibility to publish articles in scientific journals listed in the Publications bookmark.
  2. The recommendation procedure of the manuscript submitted by the Participant to the selected journal and the acceptance of the above-mentioned manuscript for the proceedings further course, will be launched under the condition of active participation in the Conference and presentation of the published topic.
  3. The Conference manuscript should be prepared in accordance to the requirements of the journal selected by the Participant during the registration process.
  4. The final decision on the recommendation of the manuscript for publication in a given scientific journal will be taken by the members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference.
  5. The Participant will be informed about the submitted manuscript final recommendation to the journal via e-mail by the day of Conference.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to extend the deadline specified in the point 5d section depending on the number of submitted manuscripts.
  7. When the manuscript is recommended for a scientific journal from the JCR list, the Participant is obliged to personally submit the manuscript to the journal in accordance with the editor’s guidelines.
  8. The conference manuscripts will be subject to the publication process in accordance with the rules of the given journal. The final decision about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript belongs to the Editorial Board of the given journal.


§9. The conference schedule

  1. The detailed Conference schedule will include the name and surname of the speaker, the authors affiliation as well as the title of the lecture/poster.
  2. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to include affiliates and / or co-authors in the conference schedule.
  3. The initial schedule of the Conference will be available in the Schedule bookmark about 1 week prior to the Conference.
  4. If the Participant does not appear at the conference, his name will be deleted from the schedule available on the website and from the available online abstract book.
  5. After the Conference, at the Participant’s written request, the Organizing Committee can delete personal data from the online schedule.


§10. The way and purposes of communication with ISMO 2022 conference participants

  1. The Organizing Committee will contact with the Participants via e-mail to the addresses provided during registration process.
  2. The purpose of the contact:
    1) information on abstracts, articles, reviews
    2) organizational matters
    3) information about the upcoming Conference – optional, with the possibility of unsubscribing
  3. Information on future editions of the ISMO Conferences.


§11. Final provisions

  1. Contact with the Organizing Committee will only take place by e-mail using the e-mail addresses provided in the Contact bookmark.
  2. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the content of the regulations at any time prior and following the Conference.
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